
バロウ ジョン 牧師(Pastor John barrow)

美しい山と海に囲まれた神戸で、日本人の母とアメリカ人の父のもとに生まれ育つ。小学校から高校まで神戸のインターナショナルスクールで教育を受けるが、小学生の時家族で通い始めた教会で信仰告白し、洗礼を受ける。高校生の時に神からの召しがあり、牧師になり伝道する決意をして、カリフォルニアバプテスト大学にて神学を学び、その後シカゴにあるトリニティー神学校でMDivを修得。様々な教会や宣教活動を通して神に用いられ、神のご計画によりハワイ カリヒユニオン教会へと導かれる。家族は2015年に結婚した妻 と3人の子供がいます。

John was born and raised in Kobe, Japan, surrounded by beautiful mountains and the sea, to a Japanese mother and an American father. He was educated at an international school in Kobe from elementary school through high school. He confessed faith in Christ and was baptized at a local church in Kobe. He was called by God to become a pastor in high school and studied theology at California Baptist University, and later completed his MDiv at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago. After being used by God in various churches and ministries, and God led him to Kalihi Union Church in Hawaii. He is married to his wife, and has three wonderful children.